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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 19, 1962, II 4

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]]
Cyanea may be less "scrupulous" than the other forms in maintaining social isolation.

[[left margin]] Cy [[/left margin]]
Got a good view of another, single, cyanea. Again in top of small tree, 15 to 20 ft. above ground. Not feeding. Silent.

[[left margin]] Cy Albi [[/left 
The spatial difference between cyanea and Albi here seems to be essentially similar to the separation between cyanea and [atemina?] near Nono.

Back to glor A area of 7:03 am. Catch a brief glimpse of A itself happening through shrubbery. That is all. Bird quite silent.

[[left margin]] glor [[/left margin]] 
I think A must be living almost exclusively on insects here now. There don't seem to be any suitable flowers around.

[[left margin]] Albi [[/left margin]]
7:05 See a single male Albi hopping in shrubbery only a few feet from where A had been. Obviously probing for insects for the two forms must compete here, in this environment. Albi flies off after a couple of minutes. The A glor comes back in a third bit of shrubbery only 10-15 ft from the other two. Apparently probing for insects too. Then disappears again.
[[left margin]] glor [[left margin]]
A minute later, a male Albi appears or re-appears about 40 ft. away. Accompanied by female or juv., apparently a Buff-throat (although I couldn't see it well). Both feed, more or less together, very low in shrubbery, almost in grass, no more than 6 inches above ground. At same time, I can see what is probably glor feeding in shrubbery about 50 ft away. Species seem to ignore one another.

[[left margin]] Albi [[left margin]] 
The male Albi and the female or juv. must have been looking for insects when they were only 6" above ground.

[[left margin]] Albi [[left margin]] 
The male Albi uttered a couple of fairly soft "Tsit"s while perched on twig near me. Then uttered long soft trill-like R as he flew away and landed near the female or juv.