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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 20, 1962, III   

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
Both singing. One singing longer phrases than the other. In both cases, preliminary notes seem to be best transcribed as "Tik". Some phrases with [[underlined]] very brief R's.  The birds seem to be synchronizing songs as much as possible. One starts only a second after the other. I presume this is a mated pair, like the pair at Nono.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
The flowers these birds were feeding on were comme ça:
[[image: drawing of a flower]]
And the birds seemed to be getting nectar by going from the center, not cutting in from the sides. 
[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
Yes! Now get better view of birds. Both definitely [[underlined]] cyanea And their preliminary notes are now "Tuk"s!

[[margin]] Cy Coer [[/margin]]
So there seems to be considerable variation in the preliminary notes of the songs of this form here. But I have yet to see them sing anything very much like the [[underlined]] "coerulescens" type songs I heard a couple of days ago.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
Both Cy's chase away a third, but I couldn't identify the latter.

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]]
An Albion Buff-throat utters one song phrase immediately after the Cys fly away. Rather as if it had become "pent up" while the Cys were singing so frequently. So there is probably some natural inhibition between Albis and Cys!

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]]
Go past "pocket", 7:20, to another geo-type habitat. Hear lots of Albis or Buff-throats singing; but that is about all.

There is no doubt but that the sound of one bird singing induces singing by other birds of the same species. This is two of all 3 common species here, Albi, Cy, and Glor.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]]
Lots of hostility among Cys; 7:55 Three birds chasing one

Transcription Notes:
comme ça = French for "like this" Transcribers: Please use the male ♂ and female ♀ symbols given here. Just cut and paste them. Also, here is a checkmark: ✓ Also, here is how to do a margin: [[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] Also, it is Whitestart, not Whitertart.