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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 20, 1962, VIII 

still  partly inhibited 

[[margin]] Bari  BQ [[/margin]]
5:50. See the same or another ♀ or juv. "baritula" feeding in the same Bougainvillea as before. Then it flies off to one of the Eucalyptus - like trees favored by BQ's (I can't tell if there are any BQ's in the tree at the time or not).

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
There are always a lot of Andean Sparrows in this Bougainvillea. Twice the "baritula"  was supplanted by a Sparrow. Made no resistance.

[[margin]] Gen Ater [[/margin]]
At least one of these Andean Sparrows spent a lot of time looking and probing into Bougainvillea flowers. Don't tell me the Andean Sparrow is a competitor of the Diglossini? (If so, this might explain why aterimmas attack Andean Sparrows so frequently.)

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]]
(Incidentally, there are an awful lot of young Andean Sparrows around here. Many still being fed by parents. So it may be the breeding season around here after all! In this connection, I might add that I saw an adult ♂ Albi carrying a blade of grass this morning N.G. ?????)

Mixed Diglossini  September 21, 1962 Paramo La Negra 

Arrive area 9,000 ft 5:50 am. Rather dry looking scrub. Still fairly dark. Don't hear any diglossini. See some of the same flowers as near Nono.

[[margin]] Albi? Glor? [[/margin]]
6:15 am. See two dark Diglossas chasing one another back and forth. Mostly silent. One long "fraaaaaaaaaa" [[sound waves underneath]] R. Apparently ♂ Albis