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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 21, 1962, V  25

[[left margin]] Coer Cy [[/left margin]]
(4) coerulescens. If the birds I thought belonged to this species were correctly identified, then the species seems to prefer even higher tree-tops than cyanea - in the same areas.

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
(5) Coereba. The local population of this species seems to be more arboreal than the BCI population. Stick to trees (and feed in them) most of the time. This seems to be essentially a bird of open gardens and fields with scattered trees and bushes.

[[left margin]] Bari BG [[/left margin]]
(6) baritula Like coereba a bird of open gardens. Probably more apt to stay in bushes and fairly low in vegetation. Both baritula and coereba seem to occur at lower altitudes than the gloria-albilatera-cyanea group. Perhaps never come into contact with the latter?

I have insufficient data to say anything about the local auereum, and no data at all on sitticolor intermedium.

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
5:00 pm. Hear a BG, feeding in Eucalyptus-like tree, utters songs of doublets or triplets. 2 or 3 "Ta-sreeeeeeeeee-zuh" or "Sreeeeeeeee-zuh" notes.

[[left margin]] Bari BG [[/left margin]]
There is a ♀ baritula feeding on red tabular flowers, about 1/2 ft. off the ground, about 30 ft. from the BG, at the same time; This ♀ baritula quite ignores a hummingbird feeding only a few inches away. 

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
baritula seems to be very un-aggressive.

[[left margin]] BG [[/left margin]]
It is beginning to look as if baritula has almost displaced the BG from the thicket-inhabiting niche here!