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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 25, 1962, V 

[[left margin]] BQ  Gen [[/left margin]] 
page. The local population may have developed its characteristic type(s) of song when it was not in contact with other Diglossini.

I must check to see what species of "Ateleodacuis" over lap with the BQ!

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]] 
BQ's seem to ignore hummingbirds feeding on eucalyptus-like flowers.

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]] 
The BQ who was uttering his song phrases in groups of 2 and 3 a few days ago is still at it 5:10 pm. (AA)

I then sat and watched the Bougainvilleas for more than a half hour.  They were not visited by any diglossine of any sort Not even a baritula.

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]] 
Surprisingly enough, in fact, I didn't see any baritulas ("Bari"s) around anywhere this afternoon. Perhaps this species is nomadic, or, at least, ranges over wide areas, in much the same way that the local species of Conirostrum seem to do.

Mixed Deglossini September 26, 1962
Páramo La Negra

Arrive usual place (8700 ft)5:35 am. Glors not singing yet.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]] 
A begins 5:39. First song without R, followed immediately by long series with R, usual form.

[[left margin]] Glor [[/left margin]] 
Bird near or on X territory which uttered several R's at end of song phrases yesterday is singing same way today. I shall call this bird "C".

X male singing as usual

Transcription Notes:
'is' at start is end of word ('this') on previous page - included there