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Mixed Diglossini, Sept. 26, 1962, II 

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]] 
The terminal R's of songs of this form are really very nasal. Much more so than R's apart from song. Sub-terminal R's may be not intermediate in some cases at least.

A starts to stop singing very early, ca. 5:47. Again I haven't been able to see bird actually singing.

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]] 
Every once in a while, this morning, A adds a little more twitter after the R in his song, thus making R sub-terminal on penultimate. In such cases, R remains nasal. 

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]] 
Finally see C 6:02am. It is a glor uttering songs in more or less typical diagonal-type posture. Very little belly-fluffing. Wings slightly drooped.

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]] 
Now listening to x male Even his sub-terminal R's are slightly nasal, altho much less so than terminal R's C and A.

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]] 
Terminal R's C and A might be transcribed as "zraanh" [[wavy line underneath]] and "zraaaaaanh" [[wavy line underneath]]. Sub-terminal R's of x and all or most R's apart from song might be transcribed as "fraaaaaa" [[wavy line underneath]] (some R's apart from song much longer than this). I don't think that the glors here utter "freeeeeeeeeee" [[wavy line underneath]] R's like aterrewa [[?]].

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]]
X pair seem to be behaving much as yesterday 6:11am (Incidentally, C is definitely not x female. Apparently another male. Perhaps inserted himself between X's and A comparatively recently.)

[[margin]] glor [[/margin]]
X's seem to have quite disappeared now 6:25am. Suddenly hear burst of twittering song, followed by soft "See see see see see....notes. Then X female flies to nest (carrying n.m. [[?]], I think, while X male flies in opposite direction. Both flew out of base thick bush. Was this copulation?? Male does not sing afterwards.