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[[circled]] 57 [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini

September 27, 1962

Working in hotel garden this morning.

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]] 
BQ's definitely do not sing at dawn.

First "Ta-zeeeeeeeeee zuh" [[sound wave underneath this quotation]] type song of BQ heard 6:01 am. 
Already quite light.

Bird who sings in doublets and triplets does so by 6:04 Singing continuously

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]] 
First burst BQ singing short. Over by 6:10 am

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]]
Bird singing doublet & triplet songs starts again 6:15.
From high exposed perches trees & bushes. Shortest series of song phrases more or less comme ça:  "Ta-a-zheeeeee ta-a-tseeeeeeeeee-zuh" [[sound wave underneath this quotation]]. When 3 notes are uttered in series, the third is more or less like the second. I shall call the bird uttering doublets & triplets "AA"

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]] 
AA also uttering series "Ta-a-zheeeeeee ta-a-zheeeeeee - zheeeeeeee" [[sound wave underneath this quotation]] 

Some AA notes may lack rattle undertone completely; but this is a little difficult to make sure of

[[left margin]] BQ [[/left margin]] 
When I have seen A singing, he has been sitting in a more or less ordinary, unritualized, posture. Diagonal. Little or no fluffing underparts. Wings not drooped. Looking relatively small-headed (perhaps very small-headed).

[[left margin]] Bari BQ [[/left margin]] 
6:20 am. See single  female or juv. baritula (looking awfully pale & yellowish) feeding on pink flowers in small bush. This is a bush in which BQ's almost certainly occur, occasionally, but in which I have never seen them feed. (This is not Bougainvillea). Quite silent. Absolutely

Transcription Notes:
last word on page is absolutely - continued on next page