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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 17, 1965, III  

[[left margin]] Laf [[/left margin]]
The different Lafs are seldom overlapping one another now. 

[[left margin]] 56 [[/left margin]]
6:28. Single ✓✓ PL  Atlapetes hops by. Thru burnt scrub. 1-2 ft above ground. Uttering "Seeeet" Notes. Definitely alone.

[[left margin]] Laf 57 [[/left margin]]    
6:32. See single Laf ✓✓. Feeding low in burnt scrub. Apparently looking for insects. Silent and definitely alone.

There are still a few tubular red flowers around here now. More than where I have been working on Guadelupe (where there are very few indeed now)

[[left margin]] 58 [[/left margin]]
See single PL ✓✓ (definitely identified) perched exposed top bush, 6 ft above ground, uttering Whistle Songs "Feeooo foooo fooo  Looking around from side to side at the time. Definitely alone.

[[left margin]] 59 [[/left margin]]
See a single Firebelly ✓✓ fly by alone.

[[left margin]] 61 Laf [[/left margin]]
Aha! See one LAf fly into base unburned bush. A minute or so later, another Laf ✓✓ (both identified definitely) flies into upper part of same bush. Fight develops. Lot of chasing. With lots of Song. Some of the Song quite "typical", i.e. comparatively slow. Other phrases much accelerated. These may become almost Twitter-like, but still easily distinguishable from Twitters other species. Then one of the birds flies away 6:37. It is nice to know that the Lafs are defending territories against other individuals of their own species.

Several of the large sooty gray thrushes fly by. Definitely alone 

[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]]
6:47. Hear what sounds like Cy or Coer in distance. A little below where I have been watching the Laf.

[[left margin]] V [[/left margin]]
6:55. Flush a pair of Firebellies ✓✓ from a patch of unburned scrub along Road. Fly away uttering "Seeet" Notes. Nothing follows them. But they certainly leave some birds behind them in the bush they

Transcription Notes:
Deleted formatting details (e.g., indents, underlining) per transcription instructions Atlapetes, not Altapetes