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[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
But the one it is in now is not in flower. Male is picking insects off leaves. Then the male utters one long phrase. As it happens, the local Scans are not singing at the time. Then male flies away. 

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Immediately afterwards, see apparently single female Bari 12 ft up in another tree in garden. Silent. This tree also has yellow flowers — but these are trumpet-shaped. Unfortunately, I can't see how the female is feeding. 

[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
Thus, there are three species of bushes and trees with yellow flowers here now. The Scans seem to have a semi-monopoly of the Abu. Seldom visit the other two species. Baris, by contrast, appear to visit the other two species fairly frequently, and probably visit the Abus relatively frequently. 

[[left margin]] Gen [[/left margin]]
Ecological separation certainly is greater here now than it was a couple of months ago!!!

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Do Baris differ from other "non-Blue" Diglossas in having a greater preference for yellow flowers (and presumably a lesser preference for red ones)???

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Interestingly enough, I have yet to see a Bari feeding on a Kni flower this morning. This in spite of the fact that the actual number of Knis is still large — and there are clusters of Knis in all stages of development. I.E. it is primarily the habits of the Baris which have changed, not the availability of food sources.

[[left margin]] Bari [[/left margin]]
Bari male presumably is not Singing very frequently because population of the species is sparse. 

[[left margin]] Bari Scan [[/left margin]]
6:52 am. Female Bari back in usual Yellow Abu. Silent Feeding on flowers. Definitely putting bill to sepals. When female first arrives, there apparently are no Scans in the Abu. But then a couple of Scans come back.

Transcription Notes:
removed some annotations (e.g. [[underlined]]) per transcription guide; removed indents, added 'left' to [[/margin]] male and female were reversed- fixed