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Mixed Diglossini, Jan. 30, 1964, II [[circled]] 8 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] The Cy certainly does seem to have "fallen out" of the D-C complex here now!!! I wonder why???? (Of course, it may never have been a member in such good standing as the other 3 species — viz the dispute between an Ater and a Cy seen years ago.)

[[margin]] Cy Ater [[/margin]] The fact that the Cy was the aggressor and victor in the dispute seen today is not really surprising. The Cy here seem to be in stronger reproductive mood than the Aters at the present time.

[[margin]] Cy Ater [[/margin]] 7:35 Single Cy, presumably same individual, feeding silently in same tree. Then starts to sing. Then an Ater [[insertion]] [[symbol -checkmark]] [[/insertion]] (same individual?) lands about 4 feet away. Cy immediately attacks Ater (again?)and drives it away. Attack silent. Cy back immediately, feeding silently. Then starts [[margin]] Cy Cinn? [[/margin]] to sing again. Song provoked by hummers?? Or just because the Cy is without mate? Then the Cy is attacked by a big rufous hummer. Cy retreats silent. Hummer flies off.

[[margin]] Cy Ater [[/margin]] 7:45 Same birds, same tree. Cy ^[[checkmark]] feeding silently. Ater ^[[checkmark]] lands about 10 ft away. Starts to feed. Cy flies toward it, hops about it. [[underline]] Silent. [[/underline]] Ater apparently ignores Cy, even when the latter comes within a couple of feet. When Cy flies away about 15 - 20 ft Both birds feed peacefully. Silent. Then Ater flies into adjacent tree, continues feeding. After a second or two, Cy also flies into adjacent tree  Lands about 20 ft from Ater  Both birds [[margin]] Cy Ater [[/margin]] feed energetically, flitting from branch to branch. Varying from 20 to 40 ft apart from another. Cy starts to sing occasionally, but does not attack Ater. Then Cy flies away !!

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] A few seconds later, a second Ater [insertion]] [[symbol - checkmark]] [[/insertion]] lands in the fruit tree. It is immediately supplanted by the first Ater ! Then both disappear.

[[margin]] Cy Ater [[/margin]] Did the Cy lose this last inter specific dispute simply because the Ater stayed put????