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Mixed Diglossini, Jan. 30, 1964, III [[circled]] 9 [[/circled]]

8:00 am. Neither Cy nor Aters visible in trees. (The sunlight has now reached the trees.) 8:02. Cy ^[[checkmark]] suddenly flies up into first tree. Feeds [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] silently. I can see a single silent Ater ^[[checkmark]] in scrub nearby, but the two birds seem to be ignoring one another. At least 50 ft apart. Then Ater [[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] disappears.  A few minutes later, a second Cy ^[[checkmark]] flies into same tree as first. [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Both birds feed peacefully, silently, fairly close together. Presumably mates. Then both fly away.

I suppose that one of the reasons why Cy is no longer a member of [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] the D-C complex here is that it is much more highly motivated (both serially and aggressively) than the other species now. But this cannot explain [[margin]] CC [[/margin]] all the overlapping of song. I have heard both CC's & Laf's begin to [[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] sing [[underlined]] after [[/underlined]] Cys had begun.

Conceivably, Cys are more "exposed" to overlap from CC's and [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Laf's now because Afters are so quiet. They may have lost their "buffer". [[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] (I.E. When Aters sing frequently, CC's and Laf's may become so [[margin]] laf [[/margin]] used to "waiting" for Aters to shut up that they may be "prepared" to [[margin]] CC [[/margin]] wait for Cys to shut up too.)

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] The reproductive condition of the species of D and C near Quito now may be summarized as follows. 

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] (1) Cy. Definitely in strong reproductive mood. 
[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] (2) Ater. Definitely not breeding or in only [[underline]] very [[/underline]] weak reproductive mood (at best)
[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] (3) Laf. Probably weak reproductive mood (at best)
[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] (4) CC. Probably weak reproductive mood (at best)
8:25. Still watching same Eucalpyt. No diglossinis in it. Then [[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] a [[underlined]] juvenile [[/underlined]] Ater ^[[checkmark]] lands in tree, starts to feed. A second later, a Cy ^[[checkmark]] appears [[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] feeding vigorously. Flies toward Ater, hops around a bit, still singing vigorously. Then toward Ater, bops around a bit,still singing