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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 6, 1966, III     [[circled]]13[[/circled]]

[[margin]] Ater Cinn [[/margin]]

[[mountain?]]. 10,245 ft. Pouring rain at the time. Region of lush, dense, moderately tall second growth scrub. Here I see one Ater, 10 ft. up m. scrub. Silent. Also one Cinnamon Hummingbird which almost certainly is "real" [[underlined]] Aglaeactis [[/underlined]]. Has iridescent back. Perches briefly in small tree, 50 ft. away from Ater. No obvious reaction between the two individuals.

March 7, 1966
Road to Papallacta

Going to work below Laguna de Papallacta, near the town of Papallacta itself (i.e. the last place worked yesterday, [[underlined]]before[[/underlined]] starting back to town).

Arrive 6:12 a.m. Just getting light. Cloudy. Cool.

March 8, 1966
Road to Papallacta

Going to work above Pifo, on western slope of mountains, where Ater and Cinn seen day before yesterday. Arrive 5:59 a.m. still quite dark. Clear

[[margin]] Ater? [[/margin]]
Lots of Diglossini. Twitters audible. Almost certainly Aters. Overlapping one another at random. Also overlapping Andean Sparrow Songs and other miscellaneous bird sounds at random.

There is quite a wind here. And it is [[underlined]]cold[[/underlined]].