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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 8, 1966, II [[circled]]14[[/circled]]

There is a lull in the Diglossini Twitters 6:05. But they resume again almost immediately. As far as I can tell, still NODWA.

According to my altimeter now, the altitude here is 10,190 ft.

[[margin]] Ater? [[/margin]]
it sounds as if the Aters here may be in breeding condition. (Altho presumably not at the peak.)

Most of the Diglossini Twitters do not include R components

[[margin]] Ater? [[/margin]]
Hear first Atlapetes Whistle Songs 6:08. [[underlined]] Completely overlapped by Diglossini Twitters [[/underlined]]!!! Then Diglossas shut up. Atlapetes continues alone. Then Diglossas start again. Some [[underlined]] partial [[/underlined]] overlaps. Diglossas stop. Atlapetes continues. NODWA.

NOTE: In spite of the overlaps, it [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be significant that the Atlapetes did not begin to Sing until the Diglossa Twitters had passed their peak of frequency.

[[margin]] Ater? [[/margin]]
Diglossa starts again. [[underlined]] Alternates [[/underlined]] with Atlapetes with little or no overlaps.

NOTE: Altho most of the scrub here is obviously second growth, there is a scattering of "dwarf trees" which look like mature AS. Also quite a lot of pink tubular [[Parufloras??]].

6:15. Diglossas quite silent. But Atlapetes still continuing full blast. I can also hear some Rattle-flourishes. These [[underlined]] usually [[/underlined]] alternate with Atlapetes Songs without overlap

[[margin]] Ater? [[/margin]]
Then I hear Diglossini Twitter in [[underlined]] far [[/underlined]] distance. Overlapping near Atlapetes at random.

6:21. Both Atlapetes and presumed Ater Singing close by.