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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 8, 1966, V [[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]

in same direction. This [[underlined]] might [[/underlined]] have been an "inhibited" attack or chase - but I rather doubt it.

[[margin]] Ater Cinn [[/margin]] Certainly the territories of this Ater and Cinn also are at least partly overlapping.

NOTE: I have yet to see Aters and Cinns feeiding on same flowers here.

7:43. Another noisy aerial dispute between 2 Cinns. 
[[margin]] CC VB? [[/margin]] Then hear CC-like Twitters down hill. NODWAH. Look down and see single CC (All buffy underneath) 3-6 ft up in bush. Apparently picking insects off leaves. Now silent. Apparently alone. Then very small, partly green, short-tailed hummingbird (possibly [[female symbol]] VB???) flies into same bush. Lands 4-6 ft from CC. Feeds on small yellow flowers. The 2 birds apparently ignore one another. CC eventually flies off. Hummingbird does not follow.

CC back a few minutes later. Then flies off again.

[[margin]] CC Ater CC [[/margin]] A few minutes later see^[[two check marks]] 2^[[two check marks]] CC's^[[two check marks]] fly into adjacent bushes. [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] close together. [[underlined]] But one Ater^[[five check marks]] flies into one bush at same time as one CC, lands only 2-4 ft away. This probably is closest approach between the 2 species that I have ever seen [[/underlined]] !!! But then the Ater moves away and disappears. CC's stay behind and fly off later.

Certainly the territories of the CC's and Ater are at least partly overlapping.
[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] Ca. 8:00 am. See more Cinns alone.
Clouds coming up 8:05 am
[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Also see a couple more Aters^[[four check marks]] silent and alone
[[margin]] Cinn Ater CC[[/margin]] NOTE: The principal food of the Cinns here now is pink flower. It is more or less Aster-shaped. On bushes. I have yet to see an Ater or a CC feed on these flowers.