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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 8, 1966, VIII [[circled]]20[[/circled]]

[[margin]]Ater Scan[[/margin]] And Ater Sings again! Ater stops. Scan Sings again. NODWAH
Then Ater utters 1 more phrase. [[underlined]]Complete overlap.[[/underlined]] Ater shuts up. Scan continues NODWAH

A few moments later, the same two birds utter more Song in perfect alteration, without overlap.

[[margin]]Scan[[/margin]] 9:00 Several Scans Singing NODWAH.
9:11 Two Scans fighting in air.

[[margin]]Scan Ater?[[/margin]] Scans still singing. NODWAH. Then I hear more Diglossini Twitters in the distance. [[underlined]]Completely[[/underlined]] overlapped by Scan Songs.

9:17 See a pair of [[underlined]]rufinuchas[[/underlined]] 4^[[four check marks]] moving thru scrub. 2-10 ft up. 
[[margin]]Ater[[/margin]] Occasional Greetings. A single Ater 2^[[two check marks]], in scrub ahead of them, flies away while they are still at least 20 ft away, I.E. [[underlined]]the Ater probably was actually repelled by the approach of the rufinuchas[[/underlined]]!

[[margin]]Cinn Scan Ater[[/margin]] See lots more Cinns silent & alone.
Scans Singing almost uninterruptedly 9:22 AM
See a single [[underlined]]juvenile[[/underlined]] Ater 15 ft up in tree. Silent & alone. 
Aside from Scan Songs, everything [[underlined]]very[[/underlined]] quiet 9:37
Hear what sounds like White-bearded Flycatchers in distance.
[[margin]]Ater Scan[[/margin]] Then hear some more Ater Twitters; Completely overlapped by Scan Song(s) in distance

NOTE: There also are a variety of other hummingbirds and other species around here which I have not mentioned in the preceding account. (But apparently not XVI - if that is a separate species).

[[margin]]Ater CC[[/margin]] Leaving 9:50. Everything dead.
COMMENTS: It seems likely that the relations between Ater and CC here are much the same as in the Quito-Pichincha-Atacaso [[Atacazo]] region, but I do not have enough information about them