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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 8, 1966, III [[circled]] 24 [[/circled]]

[[margin]]Scan[[/margin]] Then see single Scan alone. Perched 3 ft up in scrub. Silent.
7:05 See a couple of aerial disputes among Scans.
Scan Singing again. Then an Atlapetes starts again. Repeatedly completely overlapped by Scan.

[[margin]]Ater Cinn[[/margin]] Oh, oh! 7:12. Catch glimpse single Ater ^[[two check marks]] flying from bush to bush. At same time, single Cinn is swooping about 6 ft [[underlined]] behind [[/underlined]] the Ater. This probably is some form of inhibited attack. Then Cinn flies away. Ater disappears in low scrub.

[[margin]]Cinn[[/margin]] See another Cinn silent and alone. And then another.
7:20. More Atlapetes Songs. NODWAH
[[margin]]Cinn[[/margin]] And another single Cinn silent and alone.
[[margin]]Scan[[/margin]] Atlapetes still Singing. Then Scan starts again. Again Scan completely overlaps Atlapetes.
[[margin]]Cinn[[/margin]] NOTE: Some (at least) of the "Cinn"s here have the lower breast and flanks grayish (with a brown wash). This is sharply marked off from the more rufous cinnamon of the upper breast. I don't remember seeing this at Puracé: [[underlined]] Are the birds here another species or subspecies [[/underlined]]??? (In any case, I shall continue to call them "Cinn".)
It is really very overcast now, 7:35. Looks like rain is coming up.

[[margin]]Cinn[[/margin]] See an aerial dispute among Cinns.
Everything [[underlined]] dead [[/underlined]] quiet 7:42.
[[margin]]Ater[[/margin]] But then hear more Ater Twitters NODWAH
Sun coming out 7:55 am. Then goes away again.
[[margin]]Cinn[[/margin]] See another dispute among Cinns.
[[margin]]Ater CC[[/margin]] 8:06 See single [[underlined]] juv.[[/underlined]] Ater feeding in small tree or large bush, 15 ft up Silent and alone. Apparently feeding on the same species of small yellow flower as the CC's seen yesterday.