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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 9, 1966, IC [[circled]] 25 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] A minute later, see single adult Ater alone in bush 20 ft away. Then see another, also alone, 100 ft away.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Then hear some Ater twitters in distance. NODWAH. Shuts up. Then I hear brief Scan Song. NODWAH. Shuts up. More Ater Song NODWAH.
[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]]

Sun out again 8:23 Looks permanent now.
[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Then see several more ^[[two checkmarks]] Aters alone. 3-10 ft up in scrub
Then see single CC ^[[two checkmarks]] (buffy underneath) Feeding same scrub. 
[[margin]] CC [[/margin]]
[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Approx. 20 ft from nearest Ater. Silent. No overt reaction between the two species. CC flies far away. Ater does not follow.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Then hear more Scan Song NODWAH.
[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] See a couple more Cinns alone. Feeding on usual pink flowers. Silent

[[margin]] Lerbia [[/margin]] A single [[underlined]] Lerbia [[/underlined]] flies by. Silent and alone.
[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] NOTE: Territory of last CC seen certainly overlapped those of several Aters. [[margin]] Ater [[/margin]]
[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] 8:22. See full elaborate Song & Flight display by ^[[two checkmarks]] Ater.
[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Also hear Flight Display by Scan.
It looks as if the birds are advancing in the breeding cycle!
[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] Then see a noisy aerial dispute among three Cinns.
Then see a single Cinn perched silent and alone. (In this individual, the flanks and lower breast are grayer than the upper breast; but the difference is not as great as in the individual described earlier)

8:38 am. Passing patch thick scrub. Near lots of "Wha-ah wha-ah wha-ah...... " Notes coming from it. Loud [[margin]] CC [[/margin]] and [[underlined]] hoarse [[/underlined]]. Then, one after the other, [[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]] ^[[three checkmarks]] CC's ^[[three checkmarks]] fly out of the bush. Go flitting off thru bushes. Definitely a group. But inds. usually at least 10 ft apart from one another. Once, on ind. utters brief