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Mixed Diglonini, Mar. 9, 1966, V.
[[circled]] 26 [[/circled]]

formless Twitter when landing. NODWAH.

[[margin]] CC Cinn [[/margin]] The territories of these CC's certainly overlap territory (ies) of one or more Cinns.

[[margin]] Ater Scan [[/margin]] 8:49. More Ater Twitters. NODWAH. Then Scan Sings.  Complete overlap. Scan shuts up.  Aters continue NODWAH

[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] See more single Cinns. And more disputes among Cinns.

[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] See one Cinn in which difference in color between upper breast and flanks is very slight indeed.

[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] See another dispute among Cinns.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Also hear another Scan aerial display.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] 9:12. See single adult Ater perched 10 ft up in bush. Then it flies down into center of same bush I can catch vague glimpses of 2 [[ symbol - 4 checkmarks above of 2]] birds flitting about down there. At same time, I can hear lots of very harsh HAC type sounds coming from bush.

[[margin]] Cinn Ater [[/margin]] A Cinn., perched in a bush about 8 ft away, seems to pay absolutely no attention to the commotion. Just sits silently. Then flies off.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] 9.16. More Scan "Tchuck" Song. NODWAH.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] See another Ater [[symbol - 2 checkmarks above Ater]] alone. And another.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Hear more Scan aerial displays.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Then hear what might be CC Twitters in distance. NODWAH.

A single [[underlined]] Patagona gigas [[/underlined]] flies by 9:29.  Silent and alone.

[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] See more Cinns alone. [[underlined]] Always [[/underlined]] silent.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Then hear more Scan Song. NODWAH.

[[margin]] Ater Scan [[/margin]] See a couple more adult Ater's [[symbol - five checkmarks above Aters]] alone.  Then hear one Ater Twitter.  Completely overlapped by Scan Song.

Leaving 9:45 am.

[[margin]] Ater Gen [[/margin]] COMMENTS:  It has occurred to me that the significance of Ater in the whole "Diglossine Social Complex" of the Quito reg