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Mixed Digloissini, March 10, 1966, II.
[[circled]] 28 [[/circiled]]

[[margin]] XVII [[/margin]] green. Bluish tinge on cap. White leg puffs. Forked tail of moderate length XVII. The 2 species apparently ignore one another. Altho the XVII does fly over and "attack" me! Then another XVII shows up. 
[[margin]] Laf XVII [[/margin]] The 2 XVII's engage in a furious aerial dispute. Fly away. One comes back in a few seconds. [[underlined]] Immediately [[/underlined]] Swoops at Laf. Obviously redirection. Laf doesn't retreat. XVII flies away again. 

Certainly, the territories of this XVII and this Laf are at least partly overlapping.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 9:07. Walking further down road, hear more Lafs Singing NODWAH.

Rain stopping again now.

This afternoon going to work just outside Quito, on the road to Pifo and Papallacta. There is a lot of Eucalyptus around here. And a few of the trees are in flower.

Arrive first site, 8950 ft, 4:00 pm. Cloudy. Fairly warm. Looks like rain is coming. 

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Can hear lots and [[underlined]] lots [[/underlined]] of Scan Song and other noises in general neighborhood. But haven't seen anything feeding on Eucalypt flowers yet.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Then see a pair of CC's (buffy underparts) feeding 3 ft up in rather dry looking scrub under Eucalypts. Uttering CN's. Definitely alone.

[[margin]] Scan Ater CC [[/margin]] Note: From their sounds, I deduce that all the Scans are quite high up in the trees. [[underlined]] The Scans here certainly prefer trees as "singing perches" whenever they are available. [[/underlined]] This must help to keep them apart from CC's and Aters (but not from Cy). 

Can hear [[underlined]] bonariensis [[/underlined]] calls in distance. Completely overlapped by Scan Songs and other noises.