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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 15, 1966, IV
[[circled]] 40 [[/circled]]

right over its head!!! Cy just sits. Hummingbird flies off. Cy Sings (again). NODWAH except for Scans in adjacent trees.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then Cy shuts up. [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Sings again. NODWAH except Scan. (I really am rather [[underlined]] surprised [[/underlined]] to find mutual inhibition of Song between Cy and [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] here — simply because the Cys are so arboreal here, and the [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] are so little arboreal, that the 2 species must come into contact relatively infrequently.)

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] shuts up. Cy Sings again. NODWAH except Scan.

[[margin]] XVII [[/margin]] 7:30. See a single hummingbird XVII flitting by. In scrub. 4-6 ft up. Silent. Alone. 

Sun beginning to reach tree tops now.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 7:37. Cy and [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] still Singing occasionally. Always without overlaps.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] Further down road, hear some Ater R's and R-Zaza's in scrub. Then see 2 ^[[two checkmarks above 2]] Aters flitting thru scrub. Obviously one chasing the other. One flies up into Eucalypt. 20 ft up. Then back into scrub.

[[margin]] Ater [[margin]] Further along, see another adult Ater ^[[checkmark above Ater]] in scrub. 1-3 ft up. Silent and alone.

[[margin]] Cy Scan [[/margin]] Then see single Cy ^[[2 checkmarks above Cy]] Singing. NODWAH except Scan. Perched 35 ft up in Eucalypt. All songs with 2-4 "Tut" Intro Notes. There also is a Scan in an adjacent Eucalypt. Perhaps 20 ft away from Cy. Scan first feeds on Eucalypt flowers. Then Sings. Then performs complete Fight Display. [[underlined]] There is no overt reaction of any sort between the 2 birds. [[/underlined]] Then Cy flies away. Into [[underlined]] low [[/underlined]] scrub.

[[margin]] Cy Scan [[/margin]] A few minutes later, [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] ^[[two checkmarks above 2]] Cys come back to same tree. Range 10-40 ft up. One Sings. NODWAH except Scan. Both feed on Eucalypt flowers. Scan in adjacent tree doesn't seem to pay any attention to Cys. But then Scan flies away.