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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 15, 1966, VII [[circled]]43[[/circled]]

only one species of [[underlined]]Colibri[[/underlined]] here!

This afternoon, going to work same place as yesterday afternoon. The last place visited yesterday afternoon.

Arrive 3:10 p.m. Clear. Sunny. Hot.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Scans Singing. NODWAH.

See lots more single Yellow Grosbeaks alone.

Hear some [[underlined]] leucopterus [[/underlined]] Song. Completely overlapped by Scan.

[[margin]] CC? Scan [[/margin]] Then hear Diglossinie Twitter in distance. CC? [[Aleo?]] completely overlapped by Scan Song.

Then lots more [[underlined]] leucopterus [[/underlined]] Song. NODWAH except Scan.

3:25 p.m.  There are [[underlined]] leucopterus [[/underlined]] Singing very frequently all over the place.  [[underlined]] Both [[/underlined]] they and the Scans must be in breeding condition.

There also are a lot of Black-headed Goldfinches here.  See one [[male symbol]] Goldfinch arronating with [[male symbol]] [[underlined]] Phrygilus plebeyus [[/underlined]].  I.E.  [[underlined]] mixed flocks of finches probably are not rare in central part of Central Ecuadorean region. [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Scan Song is almost completely uninterrupted in this area. But [[underlined]] each individual certainly takes "breaks" of appreciable length. [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Lesbia [[/margin]] 3:37. Single [[underlined]] 
 Lesbia [[/underlined]] flies by. (Looks very small). Silent. Alone. Feeds on small tubular red flowers (sic!) 2-3 ft up in low but thick shrub. Then flies off.

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] Could Diglossa species be rare or absent here simply because of competition with [[underlined]] Lesbia [[/underlined]]???

Wind is very strong this afternoon.

[[margin]] CC? [[/margin]] 4:45. Down near river. Hear both [[underlined]] leucopterus [[/underlined]] Song and Diglossie Twitters (presumably CC). Quite a series of both. Nicely alternating. No overlaps. NODWAH except Scan.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Then see single Scan feeding on large lavender morning glories. Silent and alone. Only 1-3 ft above ground.

Transcription Notes:
Lesbia - a hummingbird genus