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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 16, 1966, II [[circled]] 45 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Ater [[margin]] alone. Feeding red flowers 1-6 ft up in AS. [[underlined]] Then suddenly flies off to attack a hummingbird flying past [[/underlined]]. Ater silent. Hummingbird vocalizes. Then the 2 birds separate. Ater flies back into scrub.

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] 7:12. [[underlined]] rufinuchas [[/underlined]] silent. Hear faint Laf Song. NODWAH. Probably several birds, singing simultaneously. Then hear some hummingbird sounds. Probably fighting sounds, not Song. In any case, completely overlapped by Laf Song. Laf Song very long sustained.

[[margin]] Laf [[margin]] Laf finally shuts up 7:16. Approximately one minute later, [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] starts again. NODWAH. [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] shuts up. Immediately, Laf sings again. NODWAH. [[underlined]] Perfect!!! [[/underlined]] Then [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined] starts again. [[underlined]] And now completely overlapped by Laf!!! [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] NOTE: this [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] and Laf are [[underlined]] quite [[/underlined]] far apart. Altho certainly well within earshot of one another.

[[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] shuts up. Laf continues. NODWAH.

NOTE: Walking along path by irrigation ditch, I see that some of the scrub has been cleared since my last visit.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] 7:22. See single Ater. Alone. Perched 3 ft up in gorse-like bush. Flies away. A few seconds later hear typical Ater R

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] A few seconds later, see 2 Aters ^[[4 checkmarks above Aters]] flitting about low in scrub same area. Sometimes close together sometimes far apart. One or both utters many R's and peculiar variants of R-Zaza pattern. "R-Zwee zwee" and "R-Zwee zwee zwee" Also one song phrase. NODWAH.

[[margin]] Ater [[/margin]] At approximately same time, see one [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] ^[[ 2 checkmarks above rufinucha]] same area. About 10 ft from nearest Ater. Silent Moving thru scrub 1 - 2 ft up.

[[margin]] XVII [[/margin]] A few seconds later, see single Hummingbird XVII in approximately same area. Silent. Perched 2 1/2 ft up.

Another few seconds later, see single very small hummingbird

Transcription Notes:
Am unsure if word in the last sentence of second paragraph is 'sustained' or something else. Help would be much appreciated! --Silverie (Transcriber)- I agree it looks like "sustained"-gns Transcribed rest of page