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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 20, 1966, II
[[circled]] 57 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] (In any case, it does not come out of the scrub during the next 5 minutes or so. This makes it very unlikely that it is a flycatcher.)

[[margin]] Laf [[/margin]] If this really is Albi, then the range of the species comes very close to that of Laf here!!!

* 7:03 a.m. Farther down road, hear more [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Song. NODWAH. Shuts up. Then more Whitestart Song. NODWAH. Shuts up.

7:12. 9050 ft. Hear more Whitestart Song down hill. NODWAH. 

[[margin]] Laf Albi [[/margin]] Go on down road to below 8900 ft. Then start up again. Just as I start, hear Laf Song [[underlined]] downhill [[/underlined]]!!!  I.E. Laf and Albi specific ranges presumably overlap [[underlined]] considerably [[/underlined]] here. Laf Song NODWAH.
[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] NOTE: This area looks rather similar to some of the areas below Bogotá. And it seems to have a similar scarcity of Diglossini! Hummingbirds are quite common, however. Especially a small type which may be a species of [[underlined]] Adelomyias [[/underlined]]. (Looks quite like the [[underlined]] Adelomyias [[/underlined]] seen on the Farallones. But slightly streaked on breast. Also seems to have smaller, and perhaps whiter, tail spots.)

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] 8:25. Slightly above 8950 ft, region of mixed bamboo scrub. Hear a couple more R's which [[underlined]] might [[/underlined]] be Albi.

Leaving 10:30 am.

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] SEE ALSO TODAY'S NOTES ON MIXED FLOCKS. (fight record of [[male symbol]] Albi! Also proof that R's heard earlier actually were by Albis.)

March 21, 1966

Going to work in same area again today. Arrive site just above where Albi seen yesterday. 5:58 am. Just starting to get light

Transcription Notes:
Added missing [[/underlined]]