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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 21, 1966, II [[circled]] 59 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] AS. Catch glimpses of bird uttering R's. Flitting about, 10-12 ft up. Can't really see it well enough to distinguish markings; but I am sure that it is Diglossa and Albi. So there are at least [[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] Albis in this general area.

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] Albi shuts up. Then I see single [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] 6 ft up in scrub; approximately 20 ft away. No reaction between 2 species. Then [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Sings a few phrases. NODWAH. Shuts up. Flies away.

A minute or so later, hear more Whitestart Songs down hill. NODWAH. Stop

NOTE: This area is just 9000 ft according to my altimeter now

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] 7:51 More Albi-type R's. Downhill. NODWAH. Stop.

7:55 See single [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] 6-12 ft up roadside trees and scrub. Probably same ind. seen earlier. Definitely alone.

7:59 More Whitestart Song downhill. NODWAH. Stops

8:00 am Patches of fog beginning to appear (altho not right here). Well! A truck with road workers has arrived. Apparently going to work here.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 8:11. Going down road. Reach area where Cy seen with flock yesterday. See single Cy. Silent. Definitely alone. 10 ft up in AS-type scrub.


[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] COMMENTS: I don't think that the Albi(s) here could really be described as "geographically" segregated. But I do not have any evidence that their (its) territory (ies) overlap with those of the other species. (They may not even [[underlined]] adjoin [[/underlined]] the territories of other species!!!!)

[[margin]] Albi [[/margin]] If I am correct in ascribing the R's heard this morning to Albis then the local population is [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] good about mutual Song inhibition. Refrains from Singing during Songs of both [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]]