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Mixed Diglossini, Feb 11, 1964, I
[[circled]] 9 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Different individuals overlapping broadly. These songs seem to be more rapid and formless than the Twitter songs of the Bari heard yesterday; but probably basically very similar in form. Do not contain any obvious R components.

[[margin]] Brun Cy [[/margin]] 6:10 Quite a lot of Bruns singing not from where I heard presumed Cy yesterday. Latter is not singing now. Perhaps uttering their high pitched "Feeeet" Notes in neighborhood. 

[[margin]] Brun Cy [[/margin]] Then hear 1 presumed Cy song completely overlapping Bruns. Then another. Possibly more. Actually,[[underlined]] Bruns are so noisy that it is very difficult to tell if the presumed Cy is singing or not. [[/underlined]] Yes it is! With lots of partial and complete overlaps!

[[margin]] Brun Cy [[/margin]] 6:16 Presumed Cy seems to have given up. Bruns still singing. 
6:20 Cy starts again. Still broadly overlapping Brun songs, altho [[underlined]] [[/underlined]] some of the Bruns in the neighborhood seem to have stopped singing.
Now Cy seems to be singing area 75 ft away. Broad territory as usual?
[[margin Cy Brun [[/margin]] 6:23 Now see bird. [[underlined]] Definitely Cy. [[/underlined]] Singing exposed in tree 20 ft above ground. Normal semi-diagonal posture with belly rather fluffed. Songs still partly overlapping Bruns. Cy flies from bush to bush, tree to tree, to sing from different perches. Then Cy shuts up. Some Bruns continue. Then shut up.

[[margin]] Uni [[/margin]] Then, 6:32, see single [[underlined]] D. lafresnayei ^[[checkmark]]  unicericta [[/underlined]] ("Uni") perched on top tree, possibly 15 ft above ground, [[underlined]] right in area where Cy was singing earlier. [[/underlined]] Stands for some minutes. Normal posture, with belly slightly fluffed, looking regularly from side to side, [[underlined]] but without uttering a sound [[/underlined]] 
[[margin]] Cy Uni [[/margin]] (This behavior very reminiscent of SCBT's). Then flies off, going at least part of the way thru Cy territory or home range. 
NOTE: The light was bad, but the bird appeared to have a slight