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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 11, 1964, X  [[circled]] 18 [[/circled]]

at hummer. Possibly gapes? Silent. Hummer retreats.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] CC shuts up

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Brun sings twiiter songs briefly from fruit tree in what was its own territory or home range 2 days ago

Leaving 6:05 pm

[[margin]] Brun CC [[/margin]] This incident would indicate that there is at least occasional overlap of territories or home ranges in the Brun-CC (& Bari?) area. But not when the birds are most active

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] NOTE: The fact that I did not see or hear any Baris this afternoon while working in the barranca may be significant. It may be further evidence that Baris are commensals of man. Climatologically & physiographically, as far as I could tell, the area seemed quite suitable for Baris. [[underlined]] But it was at least several miles from a house (& garden).

February 12, 1964

Going to work on mountain this morning like yesterday morning.

Cloudy. Some patches of fog.

Dawn Chorus seems to start a few minutes later today than yesterday. First Brun Twitter Song heard 5:53.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Arrive Brun-Uni-Cy-"Coer" area 6:00 a.m. Bruns in full chorus. Can't hear any other species.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Presumed Brun singing in almost exact same place where Cy began to sing yesterday.

[[margin]] Uni [[/margin]] 6:07 Uni begins to sing. [[underlined]] When there is a lull in Brun song! [[/underlined]]