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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 12, 1964, II  [[circled]] 19 [[/circled]]

[[margin]]Brun[[/margin]] When there are no Bruns singing very close by - although Bruns in the distance continue to sing and are quite audible.

Continues for some time, while Bruus nearly remain silent.

[[margin]] Uni Brun [[/margin]] Then Uni stops briefly. Brun inserts one phrase. Uni starts again Brun sings. Complete overlap. Then both birds continue for a while. Sometimes complete overlap. [[underlined]] More often perfect alternation. [[/underlined]] Then both stop. 
[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then Cy sings a number of phrases. No overlap with anything. Stops.

[[margin]] Uni Cy [[/margin]] Uni sings again. Cy starts. Large overlap. Uni stops. Cy continues 6:16.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Bruns almost completely silent now. Why? Fog? In any case  it is probably because of the scarcity of Brun songs that overlaps between species seem less frequent today than yesterday.
[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Cy still singing alone.

[[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]] very noisy.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Cy songs probably not identical with Palca Cy  songs in form, at least in all cases. Some or all of the songs here seem to be: 

"Seee  Seee   Zeezeezeezeeee zeeeee zeeeee "
[[image - series of short horizontal lines, gradually descending down the page; first three lines are approximately same length; each of the last three lines progressively longer than the preceding one]]

Notes getting progressively slower, longer, and lower throughout the main body of the phrase Number of notes probably variable. Probably usually 5-7 in main body of a phrase. sometimes beginning of main body of phrase is almost a  twitter. It is really the tone & pitch of these songs which is identical with that of the Palca birds.

[[margin]] Brun Cy [[/margin]] A Brun utters several songs while Cy continues. Complete overlap. Then Brun shuts up. Cy continues alone. Then Cy shuts up. Then Brun