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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 13, 1964, IV.
[[circled]] 29 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
The whole thing looked very much like a territorial encounter between 2 rival [[male symbol]]'s.

[[margin]] Brun Bari [[/margin]]
In the midst of the performance, 2 Bruns flew by, more or less halfway between the adult Bari and the presumed juvenile. The latter ignored the Bruns, and were ignored by them. Twitter evidence of overlap of territories or home ranges.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
The rigid alternation of "songs" between this adult [[male symbol]] Bari and the presumed juvenile would suggest that they are [[underlined]] treating one another as separate species! [[/underlined]]

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See adult & juvenal Brun in hedge together 8:00 a m.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] Adult [[male symbol]] Bari back singing Twitter Songs in Eucalyptus Shuts up. Then presumed juv. starts R Songs. Shuts up. Then adult [[male symbol]] starts Twitters again. Shuts up. Adult Brun utters twitter (rapid - almost R-like). The two birds alternate 2 phrases. Then Brun shuts up. Adult [[male symbol]] Bari continues twitters! Then shuts up.

All very nice!

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 8:12. Now Brun singing alone

Move on a little.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Find another Brun singing twitters. Again very rapid and R-like Shuts up. Then I hear presumed Bari R's in distance. Then see bird. Uttering its R's in trees along hedge 15-20 ft above ground. In quite erect [[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] unritualized posture. No other diglossini, not even adult [[male symbol]] Bari, singing at the same time. Then shuts up.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] Everything quiet now 8:31, except for presumed juvenile Bari who utters R's from time to time

Now I am not sure that there is more than one adult [[male symbol]] and one presumed juvenile Bari here