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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 13, 1964, V
[[circled]] 30 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Brunn [[/margin]]
See single Brunn alone.

[[margin]] Brunn Bari [[/margin]]
Brunn is certainly the most common species here. Then Bari. Then CC (which is either very rare and/or very inconspicuous here).

[[margin]] CC Brunn [[/margin]]
I speak of the devil! See single CC perched exposed in [[underline]] exactly [[/underlined]] the same bush where adult and juv. Brunn were seen earlier. Good view of the bird. Breast [[underline]] is [[/underlined]] pale buff gray. Doing a lot of preening. Also sings a few phrases. Possibly intermediate between typical triplet and typical twitter. Usually begins with 3 or 4 clear emphatic notes "Zee zee zee" or "Zeee zeee zee zee" or "Zee zee ta zee", then "degenerate" into full formless twitter. These phrases are [[inserted?]] between Twitter Songs of adult [[male symbol]] Bari singing in distance. No overlap.

CC supplanted by dull [[underlined]] [[bonarieusis?]] [[/underlined]] and disappears.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]]
Then see same CC a little further on. Pecking at [[underlined]] stems [[/underlined]] of Agave flowers. Silent. Flies off.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]]
See a single Brun alone.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]]
8:55. Adult [[male symbol]] Bari is back at his old stand in Eucalypts. Singing Twitter Songs without R. All other diglossinis silent.

Leaving 9:00 a.m. Sun is out and everything seems quite dead.

[[margin]] [[underline]] Gen [[/underline]] [[/margin]]
Incidentally, I don't think that I have ever heard individuals of the [[underlined]] same [[/underlined]] species utter overlapping songs here. Possibly because Bruns are the only common species here and most of them are not singing very frequently?

Nothing audible or visible in Bari-Brun-CC area when I go by 9:22.

[[margin]] Bari? [[/margin]]
A little farther on, hear something uttering Bari-like R's from top of tree 25 ft above road. Unfortunately, just catch glimpse of bird as it flies away. Impossible to identify.

Bird continues songs in distance. All R's.