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Mixed Diglossini, Jun. 14, 1966, II
[[circled]] 40 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] Diglossini!!! I.E. [[underlined]] they seem to be integral members of the "Central Andean Diglossine Social Complex [[/underlined]]." Behaving like the true Diglossini of the Quito region!!!

Stopping observations 11:45 am

[[margin]] Cinn Ater Cy CC [[/margin]]  COMMENT: As far as I can tell, territories of Cinns overlap those of Aters and Cys largely or completely here (altho I have not, yet, seen Cinnis as high in tall Eucalypts as Cys).  Probably also overlap territory(ise) CC(s) in same way.  And almost certainly completely overlap territories Scans.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Scan territories must overlap Ater territories at least partially.  Probably completely.

Going to work on opposite side of town (area first visited June 12th) this afternoon  Starting 2:45 pm.  Mixed cloud and sun.  Quite windy.

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Scans are Singing as I start.  Nothing else audible.

[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] See single Cinn alone in hedge.

Then see single Sooty Thrush alone.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 3:00 pm.  Area low thick scrub.  8650 ft.  See single CC [[checkmark above CC]] (definite) flitting along tops scrub bushes.  Silent.  Apparently alone.

[[margin]] Ater CC [[/margin]] This is [[underlined]] exactly [[/underlined]] the environment in which I saw Ater(s) earlier.  But I am not certain that I have seen any Ater(s) at this exact site.

Then see pair [[2 checkmarks above pair]] [[underlined]] Th. cyanocephala [[/underlined]] moving 8-15 ft up in larger bushes.  Silent.  Also apparently alone.

[[margin]] Ater CC [[/margin]] Then see single adult Ater [[checkmark above Ater]] in thick low scrub, about 10-20 ft from where CC first seen.  Silent.  Definitely alone.

Transcription Notes:
1st line: "Diglo" for Diglossini from previous page replaced "cirrus" with "cinnis"