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Central Peru [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini April 1, 1963
Near Tarma

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See my first [[underlined]] brunneiventris [[/underlined]] 6:42 a.m. Flying from bush to bush. Alone. In relatively dry area. No trees nearby. Apparently quite silent. Area just below 10,475 ft.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 7:05 a.m. There also seems to be a pair of some [[underlined]] Conirostrum [[/underlined]] sp. nearby. Possibly [[underlined]] fraseri [[/underlined]] as near Quito. Apparently feeding on insects in low bushes. Quickly disappear

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 7:30 a.m. See what is probably same pair Conebills. Again feeding on bushes. Look exactly like [[underlined]] fraseri [[/underlined]] of Quito, except face apparently blacker, white supra-ocular stripe more of a spot.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] One the Conebills utters "Seeet" or "Treet" Notes in flight. Then perches in small tree about 12 ft from ground. May utter "3-note song" there (see below). Then flies away.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] This Conebill also differs from at least some of the Quito birds in being almost pure gray below. Only under tail coverts rufous

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 8:00 a.m. See what appears to be a group at least 3 of the same Conebills in another area. Bushy. Without trees 10,200 ft. Lots of chasing back and forth.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 8:25 a m. Come across another pair same Conebills. Flying from bush to bush, and into one eucalypt "Seeet"s in flight. One bird also sings when separated from mate. "Tuh-uh-[[underlined]] tuh [[/underlined]] tuh-uh-[[underlined]] tuh [[/underlined]]" Rather fast. Somewhat twittering 10,425 ft.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 8:40 Another area. Eucalyptus over low scrub and fields. See a single Conebill feeding on insects in eucalypt about 25 ft above ground. Silent. 10,700 ft.

Transcription Notes:
black-throated flowerpiercer (Diglossa brunneiventris) Genus: Conirostrum (Conebills)