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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 3, 1963, IV.  [[circled]] 14 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Each phrase more or less "Zwee zwee zwee zwee zwee." Then flies away. These phrases much shorter and less fluctuating than presumed [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] phrases heard at dawn today. Uttered from perfectly unritualized perching posture. It may be significant that this bird began to sing almost immediately after some other birds of other species (almost certainly the  local "Orange bill") landed in a nearby tree and began to utter loud whistled "Ta wheeeeet wheeeet" phrases. Might suggest that these "Zwee zwee..." phrases were hostile.

Moving on 7:23.

Hear several more "Greetings" by one bird of this pair as I start to go. All essentially similar. Initial "Za" sound sometimes conspicuous. Sometimes very abbreviated.

Raining 8:00 am

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See a single Brun, 8:10 a.m. Feeding on tubular red flowers in scrub at edge of crop field. 10,925 ft.

Up to 11,375 ft without seeing any more diglossines. Turning back 9:00 a.m.

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] 9:37 10,575 ft. See pair of CC's in almost exactly same place where seen yesterday. Low scrub edge cornfield. No Bruns nearby. Utter "Seeet"s in flight Possibly also twittering "Greeting" (once)

[[margin]] CC Brun [[/margin]] 9:50 am. Back to first place. Surprise. Single CC flies out of bushes (way downstream) where second burst of presumed [[underlined]] carbonaria [[/underlined]] song was heard at dawn this morning. Flies upriver, lands in bush in middle of area favored by the first pair of Bruns. One of the Bruns appears, and apparently supplants CC. Without display. CC flies a few feet away. Lands in another bush, still in middle Brun area. Feeds on insects on leaves, Brun does not follow it, and it flies away within a few seconds.