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[[circled]] 42 [[/circled]]

Mixed Diglossini

April 8, 1963
Nr. Tarma

Working on Chutacocha this morning. Going up to A Pect area in A ravine.

Pass first patch of scrub ([[written in green]] 9500) [[/written in green]] ca 5:40 am. Quite silent. (Dawn songs of all birds seem to be later up there than at the base of the mountain, ca. 8600-8800 ft.)

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Arrive bottom edge main ravine thicket 5:50, to hear at least 3 or 4 Bruns uttering ordinary twittering songs. No R components. Great overlaps between songs different individuals

Surprisingly enough, there seems to be absolutely nothing else singing at this time. The only other sounds I hear are a few CN's over AlCN's of local thrushes.

Andean Sparrows & other species begin 5:56 am. Don't interrupt the Bruns.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Bruns still singing strong 6:03. So are many other species - none of which seems to have any effect on the Bruns.

Going into main thicket 6:05. Still hear Bruns.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] First burst Brun songs over 6:10

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 6:21. Several Bruns sing during "PL" Atlapetes song (see today's notes on [[underlined]] Atlapetes [[/underlined]] ) May be significant that local Atlapetes does not have twittering component in song.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 6:30. So far I have seen no song flights, although at least some of the Bruns are still singing vigorously from time to time. Song flights may be characteristic of later in the day rather than the morning. (It is also possible that the song flights are more strongly hostile than ordinary songs. And all or most of the