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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 8, 1963, VI [[circled]] 47 [[/circled]]

Bruns. But actual attack or chasing never develops.

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] Once (at least) one of the Pects uttered a typical song phrase in a typical pre-attack posture (as shown on preceding page).

[[margin]] Pect [[/margin]] Then both Pects go down hill again 8:10 a.m.

Sun finally beginning to reach this area 8:12

Then [[underlined]] absolute quiet. [[/underlined]]

Then songs both species begin again 8:17

[[margin]] Pect Brun [[/margin]] See one of the Bruns feeding on flesh colored flowers again. These are certainly a favorite of the species. But, as far as I can recall, I have [[underlined]] never [[/underlined]] seen a Pect feed on them.

[[margin]] Pect [[/margin]] Well! Well! Well! I am standing right at edge of this A Pect-C Brun area, just where path curves back to go down hill, when I suddenly hear notes behind me. Look around to find a single Pect perched in bush, about 2 ft off ground. Facing A Pect-C Brun area. Bush is on slope so that the bird has a perfect view of the area (and is, of course, way above the ground sloping down hill in front of it). Bird sitting in perfectly unritualized posture, just very slightly fluffed. Utters "Seeeet seeeet seeeet . seeeet seeeet ......", then one "Tut", then [[wavy underlined]] Tsrit tsrit tsrit tsrit tsret tsrit tsrit [[/wavy underlined]] ....." 

[[margin]] Pect [[/margin]] Accompanied by slight but irregular SS. Then, suddenly, a [[underlined]] pair of Pects [[/underlined]] appears from down hill. This pair obviously A's. One or both A's singing furiously. Fly straight at the single bird, and all three go flitting down through the bushes — in the general direction of the area where I heard the "other" bird singing day before yesterday!!!! One or more of the birds singing continuously as they go. As far as I could tell, the songs were perfectly typical in form, although probably of the most rapid type. I could not

Transcription Notes:
first partial word ("tack") not transcribed here; full word ("attack") transcribed on previous page. Changed "Brush on slope" to "Bush on slope"