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Mixed Diglossini, Apr. 8, 1963, X 
[[circled]] 51 [[/circled]]

Have gone up to [[written in green]] 10,200 [[/written in green]], past several more clumps similar vegetation, without seeing or hearing another diglossine! 5:10 pm

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Then see single Brun, same level, 5:22 pm.

There is a large troop of goats running loose on this mountain. Another reason for deforestation

April 9, 1963
Nr. Tarma.

Arrive below Palea, where I saw Thly first time 5:45 am Raining quite hard. Still quite dark

Dawn chorus in full swing 6:00 am. But still dark — and very difficult to hear anything except Andean Sparrows, as nearby stream is so loud.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 6:45 Have heard a number of ordinary twitter songs by Bruns, without being able to see the birds. Rain continues. Then see a bird feeding on several species blue flowers (This area is bottom of Ravine A) Blue flowers 2 ft above ground. Then see same bird feeding on orange tubular flowers in bush 3 ft above ground. Brun then disappears. 
[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] A minute later I see a single CC feeding in bushes (probably getting insects) in almost exactly same area (but not same bush). Stays around for a minute or so, and then flies away.)

[[margin]] CC [[/margin]] Then, just a few seconds later, see single CC perched on grass stalk about 2 ft above ground. Probably same bird. Obviously alone. Utters occasional song phrases All "Zewa zewa zewa zewa zewa" type phrases. Very rapid and twittering. [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] 3-syllable notes. Then another CC flies in to join the first. Lands on another grass stalk, about 2 ft away. First bird utters particularly

Transcription Notes:
Last word transcribed in full on this page, per transcription guidelines. particularly - larly from next page