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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 28, 1964, II. [[circled]] 58 [[/circled]]

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]]

11,000 ft. 7:52. Hear another Myst singing in scrub edge field. These songs overlap with B. nigrocristatus R-flourishes. Then this Myst shuts up. Warblers continue. Then another Myst starts to sing, overlapping warblers. Shuts up. First Myst resumes.

Walking around this field I find that there are at least 4 presumed Mysts singing from time to time. But I have yet to see one of them!

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] Then, 8:05, see single [[checkmark above single]] Myst moving thru thick scrub right at edge of field. Comes to investigate me. Then moves on. Silent throughout This bird also has light moustache stripes. Apparently pure black bill

Sun has been shining brightly all morning.

Mysts all quiet now 8:17

See a single [[checkmark above single]] Firebelly alone.

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] 8:20. Two Mysts start singing again. Catch glimpse [[checkmark above glimpse]] of one flying away after singing. Then stop again. One overlap with Firebelly song

[[left column]] B&C [[/left column]] Good heavens! 8:30. See what might by [[be]] either conebill or flycatcher [[checkmark above flycatcher]]. Sitting upright like flycatcher. Blue gray above. White superciliary (very broad). Rufous below. But with blue gray chin! Flies away.

Go on a little farther. Reach what seems to be edge Paramó. 11,025 ft Crest of hill. Start downhill again. 8:45.

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] On way down hear Myst song 9:03. Probably by bird seen perched exposed dead tree earlier this morning

Fog coming in 9:08

See a single Whitestart [[checkmark above Whitestart]] alone 9:17.

Sun out again. Everything dead still 9:40

Leaving 10:50 am.

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] NOTE: The area where Mysts were so common this morning was rather distinctive. Patches of obviously very wet forest. Lots of moss and ferns