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Tangara, Feb. 2, 1958, II. 
other birds. No call before the fights, TrCN's by one or both birds as they flew apart immediately after the fights.

Tangara, I  
February 3, 1958
Barro Colorado

A lot of supplanting attacks & chasing (usually silent) in a small flock of Planis in the Guayaran this morning. Almost all the aggressiveness seemed to be done by one particular bird, in more or less one particular area - so that it looked almost as if it were staking out a territory. Eventually disappeared, however, at least for the time being. 

I saw 2 birds, apparently a pair, flying around with apparent [[n.m.?]] in their bills, and with 3 other birds flying around with them in what was obviously still a tightly organized flocks.

It should [[see?]] noted, in connection with the probable evolutionary origin of ft. postures, that Planis assume a sort of unritualized "stretch" as an intention movement of flying up.

Often accompanied by Flicking. Usually more or less comme ça

[[image - drawing of side-view of bird]]

Fairly extreme int. mov. of flying up, with WF (By no means always with breast lowered like this. Sometimes the chin is lifted to the same angle while the bird stands quite erect.)

Transcription Notes:
[[Image]] Bird with the chin pointed upwards and wings pointing straight back behind the body. The image is showing the left side of the bird. I believe the person who transcribed before me has not read the instructions. A lot needed to be added or fixes. They put ______ instead of the [[?]].