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OL².O³⁶.U¹¹.O⁵⁷. U during retreat¹ O.O.O.O⁴¹.OL.OL¹⁴   T.T.T.T¹³.U¹² OL after attack² OL.OL¹⁶.O.O.O⁴⁴

Leaving 12:00

Saturday, May 15. 

Dump Lake. 10:05. Sunny periods . Moderate T [[degree symbol]]. Strong Westery wind.

O.O².OL¹.O³.U¹. O.O⁵.T¹.  OL².OL³.U².U³.HF¹.HF². OL⁴.O.O⁷.U⁴.OL⁵.T².OL⁶. O⁵.T.T⁴.HF³.OL⁷.O⁸.T⁶. O.O¹0.U⁶.OL⁸." O.O¹³.T⁷.OL⁹ . O¹.O⁴.T⁸. 

Again heard Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka" attack Call 
[[image 1]] in posture like this.

HF after attack¹. T after attack¹.  O.O¹⁶.U⁷.U⁸.U⁹. OL. after attack¹ OL. OL¹¹. O.O¹⁸.U¹⁰.T⁹.HF⁴. O before attack¹. O.O.O.O²².D¹ O before attack¹ HF after attack². O²³. T.T¹¹. OL.OL¹³.O.O.O.O²⁷.U¹¹. OL.OL¹⁵. T.T.T¹⁴.O.O.O.O.O³².

OL almost flat in water [[image 2]]

Interesting example. Pair swim together . MC of O- U with several T's each and several HF's each. Then swim in [[?]] U. Female T's fairly steady, not too rapidly. Male also T's, less often than female. Male occasionally bends head to water. Also every now and then, both birds go back into complete U. Female starts to peek at male's bill, then [[?]] a few foot away, in apparent panic. Back [[?]] . Both U, with T's , both relax, deep T'ing, male begins to regurgitate. Then both are attacked by neighbor, and a short scuffle between the neighbor and the male ensues. Quickly breaks up as neighbor retreats. Male back to female. She starts T'ing again . Male bends head down, cloven regurges. Female feeds.. They remain apart, and start to preen 10:10

 OL. T.T.T.