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May 20 VII

Pause 6:40, Breaks up quickly.

By back OL-T O OL-T

[[left margin]] *9 ✓✓ [[/left margin]] Peculiar MC's at C. Involving C, at least one female, and two other birds. Scuffle. 3 different MC's.
(1) Male U1-T1-U2-T2-U3-T3-U4. Female U1-T1-U2-O1-U3-T2-U4.
[[left margin]] *10 ✓✓ [[/left margin]] (2) Male U-T-U-T2-U3 Female U1-T1-U2.
(3) Male U1, Female U1

[[left margin]] *11 ✓✓ [[/left margin]] Each time ended by C attacking female 4-5 5-6 7-8

In between times C's behavior also peculiar. Standing.

O.| OL-T. 6:51. O OL-Y O.OL-T. OL. OL. OL-T.| OL-T. O.O.O. OL-T-T. OL-U OL-T O.O. Ol-OL|

[[left margin]] *12 ✓✓ [[/left margin]] MC. male does O-U1-T1-T2-U2-)L1-O2 attack8-9. Female does U.

[[left margin]] *13 ✓✓ [[/left margin]] MC. male does OL-OL.  Female does U. Female flies off [[?]].

(This, call it BB, is a possible pair. Anyhow, the two birds land together) 7:12

BBB has MC. with female, which I don't catch Female flies off. BBB hesitates a second, flies up after her. After a couple of hundred yards, veers off, circles twice over territory. Does two glides during this circular flights. Neither Glide obviously aimed at anything. Lands. Relaxes. 7:32


[[left margin]] *14 ✓✓ [[/left margin]] MC. at C. Male does U1-HF1-U2-Cpr1-U3-O1-U4-Cpr2-Cpr3-U5-Cpr4-U6-Cpr5-Cpr6-U7-U8-HF-2-HF3-HF4-U9 Female does O-U-T-U. Cadvances toward female8-10. She flies off hurredly

[[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] I think it is possible that female is more apt to do O before the male, during [[?]] MC's, because the male has just done an OL-T, or something similar, just be she lands

Transcription Notes: