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May 24 II

[[left margin]] *²²✓✓✓ *²³✓✓ [[/left margin]] Another MC at X. Male U-O1-T-T-T-O2-T4-U HF1-U3. Female U-O-T-U-HF-U3. Stand together, in extreme U for a second or so, then male flies off, in great hurry, screaming Long Call Notes, obviously aggressive, circles, back. MC of U-Cpr-U by female, U-PAG-U-Cpr-T1-U3 by male. Relax momentarily.

[[left margin]] *²⁴ ✓✓✓ [[/left margin]] Another M.C. at X. Male does U-OL-T as female lands. Then U-OL1-T-T-T-T4-U-Cpr-U3. Female does U-OL1-T1-Cpr-U-Cpr-U-Cpr3-U4  6:12

Cold as all hell now. Wind still strong. Sun still out.

None of the B birds back, but, as nothing is hek-ing up above, this may be due to the fact that the water level is higher today than Wednesday. A is back.

Watch C for a while. 6:17.

HF-OL-T-T-T-U-OL-T-T-U-O O-T-OL-T/O-T.  O-T-T./O-T. OL-T/  C is apparently still unmated.  OL-T-T./ T. OL-OL-T./

Really major panic  6:37.

Very dull now  6:45

Bird doing 4 repeated charge- Soars apparently in [[?]]

Repeated cop attempts pair E. Preceded each (3) times, immediately by mutual FB. Provokes attack from D.

Again cop at E. Appar. successful. Preceded by mutual FB. At first birds seemed to alternate FB from H and from U. Then female in H permanently, male in U permanently. Male mounts, begins cop. Call female continues FB irregularly, throughout cop. Male continually pecks downward. Female finally dislodges male. Male U-HF. Female just preens. 6:55.

Bird, P, in front of hide so close that I hardly dare look. Apparently unmated male, gives constant GC's.

Notice that during T, after OL, the bill opens slightly during up-swing, closed by the top of the upswing.

[[image]] angle at top of upswing 

Transcription Notes: