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                          May 30

  Drive Colony 5:40. Cloudy. Very strong east wind.  Takes me a long time to get into blind. Cold. Very cold.
  C down 5:43. Most birds sitting. Then another (?) 5:45. Breaks up fairly quickly.
  C still alone. Behaving as if unmated (?). Then MC with a (?)I didn't catch it as my glasses are sopping.
  More MC's at C. One I catch. Female U-T-O-U-PAG (?) - U - Cpr - U male U-T-T-T-U-HF - U-PAG-U-PAG-U flies off. Female does U-flight after she goes 5:53.
  C's mating can't be making much progress. 
  Angle of body at top of extreme. CC (?)Looked almost, if not quite, as extreme as the corresponding BHG. pattern.
  CC call has tendency to die down at the peak of the soar.
  Another MC at C. Female does U-T-T-U-T-T-U. Male does U. Male flies off, then female immediately does T.T. 6:09.
  Some fluffing of feathers in U. Comme ca.
   [Image of 2 birds] Result is that hood is, at least sometimes, (?) is white when viewed from in front.
  Sun trying to break through clouds.
  C making long circular flights when not visited by females. Or, at least, almost (?) on end.
  Again, a new case of C (?) visited by two (?).  Second came down while C was displaying with first.
  Very dull this morning really 6:25.
 Look up to find C visited by male. He does T-OL-T-flight as she flies away 6:33.



Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ double check male/female symbols - frequently incorrectly transcribed incorrectly