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June 1   II

Peculiar L posture 5:35

[[image]] On land (Very reminiscent of the posture more frequent on water).

[[left margin]] 1 [[/left margin]] Same bird (call it DD), after usual Long Call - OL perform on ground, goes down into a low posture, giving muffled sounds, and then pulls up and pecks at (repeatedly) several pieces of n.m. (Think I have seen this before - earlier today.)
Lots going on now - 6:08, but nothing of interest.
"CC-AC" calls has a thin, high, reedy, vibratory, almost rattling, quality at times.
[[left margin]] *43 ✓✓ male [[/left margin]] MC at C male does OL1-T1-U1-HF1-HF2-U2-OL2-T2-U3-HF3-U4- pecks female - O5-OL3-T3-U6-Cpr-U7-Cpr2-U8 pecks female. Male does OL1-T1-U1-T2-HF1-HF2-U2-OL3-T3U3-HF3-U4-flies off. Male does U-T-OL-flight after she goes 6:38.
Considerable competition for C station. There is very often a male (s?) on this station, doing G.C's at flying birds, when C2 is away. Always leaves hurriedly when C2 returns.
Muscrat homes seem to confer an advantage on their owners. This morning, for instance, the only birds that I have seen visited are A, X, and C2, all on muscrat mounds D, DD and E all displaying vigorously, have been ignored.
Sun gone now, 6:48, and it is getting colder - if possible.
[[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] C2 now has female he has almost accepted. He is still doing lots of U's - HF's - Cpr's, plus circular flights, but she is quite relaxed. She only does brief U-HF when he returns, or when he does some G.C. at flying birds. She also occasionally joins him in GC., but she begins later than he does, seems to follow his lead 6:56. This continues for a while, then C2 is attacked by neighbor(Male probably) and female flies off. (This is the first time I have ever seen C2 attacked by a neighbor while he was on station. Presumably due to presence of female.
MC at B4 on water. Male does OL1-T1-U1. Female does OL1-U1 flies off. Male then in U, flight. 7:02.
[[left margin]] * male 54 ✓ [[/left margin]] B4 back immed.