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June 3

Arrive new site colony, 5:22 a.m. Gulls all around. Pete puts me in hide. Warmer, less wind, fewer clouds than previous day.
Gulls settling fast, even right beside hide. 5:25. Some still a trifle nervous.
Most just sitting peacefully.
Two cop attempts. Male's head comme ça:
[[left margin]] ✓I [[/left margin]] [[image]] No conspicuous crest, but an angle.
[[left margin]] ✓7Δ [[/left margin]] No post-cop display at one, apparently successful. At the other, apparently unsuccessful, female does FB-T 5:35.
[[left margin]] ✓8Δ [[/left margin]] Another cop attempt, much closer. Noticed that female gave LCN's, one T, while male was mounted. She also pecked at ground, looked almost like PAT. (from looked to PAT are underlined) Cop. app. unsuccess. Post-cop display of male U✓-HF✓, female T. Stand a minute. Then female begins to collect n.m. Then male on collecting trips. Female begins to scrape, then sits. . n.b. when male brings material. (This pair already has quite a massive nest. 
Lots of examples of AC from O. Still can't really distinguish sound from Cop. Call.
Attack Call is really remarkably common - as shown by sitting birds, obviously furious, but not furious enough to get off the nest.
[[left margin]] ✓9Δ [[/left margin]] Another good view of copulation. Male on ground doing G C's. Does one as female lands. Then male does U-T-T-T-U-Cpr-U-T-T. Female does the same (exactly). Then they continue T-ing, side by side. Male rather more frequent and vigorous than female. She T's in a semi-hunched posture. He brings his head up to U, between each T. Male mounts. Usual behavior, except that he gives one T in the midst of the cop. Apparently successful. Male slips off. Post-cop display of U-HF by both (much more extreme in male). Then female immediately picks up n.m.
Actually the Cop Call seems to be weaker, less shrill and penetrating, hoarser or more throaty than the attack call. Still very