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June 3 III 1/2
[[left margin]] Δ✓13 [[/left margin]] Copulation in pair incubating one egg. (Same pair, MM, I mentioned as having post-cop nest-building activities earlier this morning. Post-cop display. Male PAG✓,settles on egg. Female PAG✓, T✓, then lots of all sorts of n.b. activities 7:48.
Aha! Pair without nest have been having trouble with an intruder. Eventually ends by intruder and female of pair flying away. Leaving male in U. Then he starts to give CC in posture comme ça. 
[[image - sketch of bird]]

"Wah Waaaaaah Waaaaaa" or "Kaaaaaaaaa Kaaaaa etc." Then switches briefly to AC. Flies up. Circles. Back fairly shortly. (This CC could not have been directed at any very close bird. Is this another "distance" pattern?) 8:00.
Incubating male does brief A.C. toward his mate, coming in for relief - with n.m. 8:10.
[[3 images - sketches of front and back of a bird's head]]

Back view of A.C. posture.
Front view of same.
Top, from (3/4) angle.

Oh. Bird has been doing high intensity O, then utters three apparently CC notes as it relaxes 8:27.

Bill remains widely open thruout AC. Does open & close with syllables. But whole bird vibrates in rhythm.