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June 4 II

One of the N's apparently displays to flying birds.
O's {bird drawing}    CC's [bird drawing]
Ch. [bird drawing] plus conventional OL's and T's 5:35

CC like muffled (very muffled) ♂ FC.

Then U   Above call in extreme Aux. U (capri well raised)
with FM  (Meaning that U-HF is less "aux" that U-alarm call?)

[bird drawing]  ←Angle of neck or O, but much short

Posture in which many of the
ruffled calls are given.

low O     CC Call seems to be given, usually in needed 
but sometimes, also, indifferent L

[bird drawing] Again, more L postures renew the forward 5:43
"ch" calls don't have "plaintiveness" of Cc CC call 
integrate with LCN's

♀ releived by ♂  ♂ does nothing.  ♀ does T-U

♂ found by ♀ Neither does anything
again.  Neither does anything.
Another pair, same thing 5:58