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July 6, IV.

[[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] Some of the chicks head-down DC looks very much like Ch.

[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] Again, I might note, Ch often diagonal, definitely without feather raising. Lower belly feathers only slightly fluffed. Eye moderately open. Tail not conspicuously spread.
This bird that has been Choking shows no sign of being mated 6:25.
[[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] Prolonged dispute in distance, probably with some choking. Can't observe it well.
Leaving 6:35.
Plenty of pairs in pre-egg stage.

July 10

Arrive same place 2:10. Warm. Semi-clear. Moderate S.E. wind. Put in blind by S.T.D.
Birds start to come back fairly quickly. One near me 2:13. Others shy.
Again example of adult attacking its own young.

[[3 images]]

head-down Rasp.

Oblique Rasp or high intensity distress call

Another Rasp posture

Transcription Notes: