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Still the nearest birds, both chicks and adults, have shown absolutely no signs of returning 4:48 

Came 5:03 Ted?

July 25
Arrive same colony 3:05 p.m. Clear, sunny little wind. Put in blind by Helen and Jack. 

Quite a number of young flying, Young emerging from reeds 3:07 far adults starting to land 3:09 getting lower 3:10.

The young lands fairly near 3:12.

One young greets adult and/or nest-mate with B(owing) and Ruffle. 

One young, another, very near 3:16

One young screams D.C., no posture, toward adult landing a few feet away. This young in flying stage. 

Another screams D.C. as it comes into land. 

One young screams D.C. as it swims to nest where parent and other young await it. Then both young B with Kyoo"", no R, to parent; gradually changing obvious FB.  

B seems to be usual greeting to parent. 

Swimming young D.C. after being attacked D.C. gets louder as it approaches parent. Switches to FB as soon as parent reached. Parent's greeting consists of T

Young does D.C. before and after landing.

All this [[bowing?]] without R.

Haven't yet heard "haaa" the pattern reg birds still have 3:27.

B looks almost "friendly"; hostility must be low or relatively slight. 

Duller now 3:37.

B definitely accompanying FB.

One young slightly R after attacking neighbor 3:47

Very dull 3:52 Young seem to be very peacable

Young lets young coot sit on nest beside it. 

Some trace of R by two young after adult leaves "Raa" or "Ryaa" by sitting young toward strange adult a few feet away. No posture.

Transcription Notes: