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July 25 III

Lots of young birds without any adults this afternoon. Many more examples of B as greeting. 

Definite R by young, after B, primarily directed at nest mate or neighboring young.

"Kaa" [[right pointing arrow]] DC [[right pointing arrow]] "Kyoo" en H with R, by young toward strange adult.

[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] Young (pre-flight) does T at flying adult toward which it has just screamed on the ground and shown no desire to approach. Thus. apparently purely hostile T 5:27

Two chicks B with R, I don't know at what.

Two chicks HD, scream, after being attacked. No R. 

Chick B (with  "Kyoo"?) with occas. slight R.
[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] One young repels another with L with R (quite definite). Then B.

[[left margin]] !! [[/left margin]] Example of R becoming stronger just before flying up toward another bird 5:46

Example of B with [[caepi?]] raised.

Young (pre-flight, or, jut possibly, just flying) repels coot with "hyaa" screams and R (R including many of neck feathers and partial crest)

[[image]] Just as Ys

Young means D.C. when attacked by coot 6:08

Certainly "haaa" or "hyaaa" is by no means regularly accompanied by R in the young.

D.C., then R, after attack.

[[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] D.C. is certainly the usual flight call here