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Franklin's  June 7, 1955

Alarm Call. But it should be stressed that this so called PCC does not seem to have any great "alarm" function. Nearby birds just sit and look at a bird giving this call 4:20.

Very dull now 4:45.

Intention Mov. of Glk seems to be a semi-O carriage of head & neck, very well oriented toward opponent (sometimes twisted if body points the other way), with "crest" raised (neck feathers somewhat raised.)

[[left margin]] i.a. [[/left margin]] Glik57 Glik58-Glik59-Glk60-Glik61-Glk62-Glk63 Glik before attack Glik64-Glik65-Glik66-Glik67 OL1 Glik68

Beginning to cloud over slightly.
Still duller 6:00. Duller still 6:25. Still duller still 7:15.

I haven't seen FB, regurge, or feeding once these last two days!

Glik✓. OL✓-T✓-T✓ OL✓ Glik✓. O✓-OL✓. O✓ Glik✓

Glik25-Glik26-Glik27. Glik28 Glik29-PCC7-PCC8-PCC9-PCC10-PCC11 Glik before attack1 - Glik after attack.

Incidentally, I have never seen any definite reaction by a Yellow-headed Black-bird, Coot, Muscrat (or even toad) to the threats, (mostly Glk), of the gulls. At most Glik might tend to deter other animals from approaching further, but even this is dubious.

Leaving 7:35