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border is still very critical and would be much more so, were it not for the old chief Red Cloud, who still stands as firm as a rock. The conspiracy extends from Canada to Arizona, New Mexico and the Indian Territory and were it not that the powerful Sioux have been restrained by Red Cloud, I do not know what would result.  It seems to me that Red Cloud's faithfulness should be recognized in some way by the Government.  That McGillicuddy ordered him shot, [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]]and that his whole police force resigned and returned
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their arms and uniforms, I have the most indubitable evidence.  Yet after all this, Red Cloud has remained faithful, although his life has been often threatened by the Indians [[insert]]who are [[/insert]] intent on war.  You will see that he has a very hard and peculiar position to fill.

All the agencies in the [[?Northwest or Southwest]] have been in the hands of a ring of so vile a set of theiving politicians as was ever organized for plunder, and this general outbreak is the result of years of petty tyranny of agents and systematic and continual stealing from the